Media Theology

Media Theology

international, bilingual open access scientific journal aimed at studying the history of the development of means of communication and methods of transmitting knowledge in theology, as well as studying the environment they create

The development of the journal is planned to be carried out in several thematic areas presented below
The journal is thematically focused on publishing research aimed at exploring and understanding the means of communication and ways of transmitting knowledge in theology, as well as studying the environment they create.

Scientific research published in the journal corresponds to scientific specialties:
5.11.1 Theoretical theology,
5.11.2 Historical theology,
5.11.3 Practical theology.

The journal publishes research devoted to the study of means and techniques of communication that serve to transmit knowledge of theology in any form in the past or present (text, music, image, radio, cinema, video, etc.).

Methods of transmitting information (knowledge) on theology in the form of: gesture, speech, image, writing are explored.

The publications on the pages of the journal explore forms of communication in theology in the form of:
sound (spoken speech, sound amplification systems, telephone, phonograph, radio, magnetic recording, etc.);
images (rock art, painting, engraving, photography, film, television, recorded video, etc.);
text (cuneiform, manuscript, book, magazine, etc.).

The journal is interested in publishing scientific research, regardless of the confessional and religious affiliation of the author.

The preferred language for scientific research is English.


In accordance with the definition of open access formulated at the Budapest Conference on Open Access, users of the journal are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, quote full-text articles of the journal, provide links to them without prior approval from the publisher or author of the material.